Making It Up As I Go
For some odd reason I want to both be super organized, have a plan, weigh the pros & cons, AND be spontaneous, open to every opportunity, go with the flow. Those things don't always live well together in my life.

They are opposing pressures internally & externally. I have to keep reminding myself that now I am on my own in this business thing, not only do I not have anyone to bounce ideas off, but I also don't need the "ask permission" mindset. I just need to make up something & do that. It is that simple.
I don't have my "brand" solidified. Maybe I won't ever. Maybe I don't care to do it that way. I will just make it up as I go.
Write about a gigantic iron? Cool. Record a podcast about places to go & people to meet? Go get it, girl!
X37Adventures IS an adventure for me. It is a made up conglomeration of things in my mind. I am making all of it just a place for my thoughts & ideas to hang out. I am making up this X37 house as I go.
I hope you like what you see here. Heck, I hope that *I* like what I see here! Will you join me as we make this up as we go?