The Juxtaposition of Transplant Prayers
I have so many close friends (or family of friends) who are in life-threatening medical situations right now. 5 cancer related, 2 genetic...
Why We Left Oklahoma
"Why are you so vocal about the Oklahoma teacher walkout?" has been asked of me multiple times in the last 2 weeks. You are right, on the...

reboot [verb ree-boot; noun ree-boot, ree-boot] verb (used with object) To make a change in (something) in order to establish a new...

Making It Up As I Go
For some odd reason I want to both be super organized, have a plan, weigh the pros & cons, AND be spontaneous, open to every opportunity,...

2018 Year of Creative Habits
Welcome, all! Welcome to 2018! I will be your tour guide, Alexis. Here, we will be exploring the joy of adventure & art. Yes, I realize...

Local Coffee of KC Area
The Kansas City area has become quite the hub of coffee. As a former barista & coffee shop manager, I love the smell, the taste, the...

Everyday Adventures Podcast: Ep 9 - #NoPlaceLikeKS Instameet
Holy podcasts, Batman! We are already on Ep 9?! On April 15, 2017, Amy & I were invited to a state-wide instameet hosted by TravelKS.com...

a blog about shit...no really, its about poop.
If you listen to our second podcast then you will already know what this post will be about. If you don't listen to our podcast, then...

Why is it beginning to look a lot like Christmas?
ORIGINALLY POSTED ON HANDMADE IN KC BLOG: The other week I walked into one of my favorite stores, Alter'd State, hoping to fish through...

The Wonderful World of Haberdasheries
[Originally posted on HandmadeInKC.com on Sep 21, 2016] Until recently I had not been creating much of anything physical while I have...