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About Alexis

Creative Experience Designer, Eco-Artist, Photographer, Videographer, Author, Public Speaker, Tour Guide, Outdoor Experiential Educator and Trainer, Entrepreneur 

I live at the intersection of Art and Adventure, where my heart yearns to blend community and curiosity. My passion for adventure, the outdoors, community and art is what drives me to the brink of wild enthusiasm in all of my work! 


Many call me a “multipotentialite” or “renaissance woman” because I is passionate and skilled in a multitude of different mediums. No matter what facet of my life I am focused on, I want my work to create unique experiences for my clients, trainees and students. Thus, I offer clients not only products, but also services & events that are open to the public - all are focused around the concepts of art and adventure. 


My extensive background in outdoor experiential education, challenge course facilitation and recreation management helps me create art adventures that encourage people to explore the world around them and find deeper meaning in what they do every day.


I am proud to say that my adventure eco-art can be found in traditional galleries, cafes, pubs, libraries, parks, online platforms (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook) and other awesome gathering places! 


When teaching, I strive to teach and inspire pre-teens through senior citizens to explore skills and places that make a more unique, fulfilling life. When I was 11 years old, I started taking advantage of many opportunities to teach, starting with my little sister’s Camp Fire group. Since then, I have enjoyed getting to know people from all over the world through workshops and trainings in a variety of settings (camps, conferences, workshops, libraries, classrooms, studios, state parks, challenge courses, zip parks, walking and driving tours, etc.). The best part of teaching anything is the fact that I learn just as much as my clients/students/trainees do! 


Since 2016, I have had the honor to teach and inspire the Kansas City community through Mid-Continent Public Libraries programming.

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